Vigilance of Balmer Lawrie

In Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. the objective of vigilance administration is to enhance the level of managerial efficiency and effectiveness in the company. It is the endeavor of vigilance to eradicate corrupt practices and encourage a culture of transparency and probity in the company. The main thrust of the vigilance function is in the area of proactive and predictive vigilance. This helps in maintaining the highest level of integrity and probity throughout the company ensuring good governance which ultimately leads to maximization of shareholder value. 

Vigilance Department carries out surveillance inspections, investigation of complaints received from individuals, CVC, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and other sources and also undertakes studies of prevalent systems and procedures and recommends various systems improvement in the company.

CVO acts as an adviser to the Chairman & Managing Director in vigilance matters and provides an interface between the Company and outside agencies like MoPNG, CVC, CBI and other Government agencies. Regional Vigilance Officers also provide advice to location heads in respect of interpretation of vigilance related guidelines.

CVC's message for Vigilance Awareness Week 2023
CVO's message for Vigilance Awareness Week 2023
C&MD's message for Vigilance Awareness Week 2023



Vigilance Awareness Week 2019

Vigilance Awareness Week 2018


Mr. Anant Kumar Singh, IPS
Chief Vigilance Officer
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.
21, N.S.Road
Kolkata -700001
Phone No. -033 22436577

AVP (Vigilance) and SA to CVO
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.
21, N.S.Road
Kolkata -700001
Phone No. 033-22134703

Last updated on : 02/02/2024
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