Press Release Details

150 years of commitment and beyond... 06 February 2017

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Balmer Lawrie Board of Directors during the 150 years CelebrationsBalmer Lawrie Board of Directors during the 150 years Celebrations

Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd. that has the rare distinction of earning profits continuously year after year for the last 150 years, celebrated its Foundation Day on 1st February 2017. To mark this occasion a function was organised in Swabhumi, Kolkata on 5th February, which was attended by the Board of Directors, Employees and their families, ex-Directors, key Customers and vendors and other distinguished stakeholders. The Foundation Day programme began with Mr. Prabal Basu, C&MD, Balmer Lawrie hoisting the Balmer Lawrie flag followed by the national anthem. The celebrations included performances by the employees and their children. The highlight of the evening was a dance performance by “Tanushree Shankar Troupe” and musical performance by popular singer Vinod Rathod. As part of the year-long celebrations, Balmer Lawrie organized events and competitions for the employees. Events like Jingle contest, Swachh Karmasthal, Rangoli, Photography, BL’s Got Talent and Mr. & Ms. BL competitions along with various sports competitions witnessed enthusiastic participation of employees.

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